Wednesday 31 August 2011

2011 September update

Hi Ladies and Gents
I haven't been posting a lot as you can tell

Well i am now13 Mths post op wow doesn't time fly!?

I can not believe it life is a lot better than it was for the first 44 years of my life even thou  I have had  some ups and Downs  I have in the past 12 months tried to take my own life twice and have had  a lot of depression. I have tried to over come it with out the help of Drugs and such like.

I have also started to try and get back in to work again too i started with anew driving school which has been good for my mood and such like.

life has been funny since my op it still shocks   me were your "P" goes and i don't think I will ever fully get used to it lol

well look after your selves  take care i will try an post a little more often if i can  love reading all your post  so yea i do keep up with you all

chat soon  x x x